I created this page as a safe space for all those who wish to be heard, to feel secure within themselves, to love themselves for who they are, to push past their struggles in hopes of instilling their own ‘EUNOIA’ . That being said, I know how hard it is to be vulnerable with your emotions. To trust others through virtual means. And mostly to let your guard down. For that reason, I thought I would make the process easier by proposing the alternative of sharing your own story without having to give out your identity.

Ideally, I would like to post everyone’s responses on the website either anonymously or with your given identity, upon consent in hopes of instilling the idea that no one is alone within their struggles. However, if you would rather have it completely private- only for me to read that is absolutely okay as well. I would be more than happy to just listen and reach out to you personally as well.

Nothing would make me happier than knowing I am able to be that shoulder for others to lean on. I am always here for each and every one of you.

As you guys share your own story, my only request would be for you guys to mention how you would like your privacy to be protected. In the space given below, input your information as “anonymous” if you would like to hold onto your identity. Watch the video on your right to learn how to protect your identity.

Never feel guilty for starting over. You are your greatest gift.

Scroll below to share your own story.

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Change, like healing takes time